

This tag is associated with 6 posts

Palin vs Huckabee

English: Sarah Palin at the Time 100 Gala in M...

English: Sarah Palin at the Time 100 Gala in Manhattan on May 4, 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

tea party

tea party (Photo credit: spychic)

The Tea Party is about principles vs the Republican Big Tent. A great many of the Republican candidates are rich and will use their own money to buy an election. How can a grassroots politician who believes in the Tea Party cause and promotes its principles believe that he could get elected. First, get Sarah Palin’s endorsement and Second, get the support of Tea Party groups and national groups that want a change from the established Republican Party.

I am calling for Tea Party members and supporters to open your pocketbooks and pay what you can to help the Tea Party endorsed candidates. For bloggers like myself, publish articles in support of Tea Party candidates. And finally, get out and help your Tea Party candidate culminating in your vote.

Texas has a U.S. Senate candidate that needs such help and that person is Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz is endorsed by Gov. Sarah Palin and is running against another Republican that has Gov. Huckabee’s endorsement and that is David Dewhurst.

Dewhurst is a multimillionaire who intends to win this thing by going negative on Ted Cruz. Cruz does not have Dewhurst level resources, but we can get him close.  He absolutely needs your help right now.  Got to www.tedcruz.org and pour the cash in. (a)

Further Reading:

(a) Attacked for Being a Conservative: Ted Cruz Needs Our Help
Posted by Erick Erickson (Diary)  Friday, May 25th at 4:46AM EDT


Obama Adds ‘Clean Coal’ to Website Only After Disappointing W.V. Primary

Coal mining

Coal mining (Photo credit: Toban Black)

 The Weekly Standard

11:01 AM, May 11, 2012 • By MICHAEL WARREN

After Barack Obama’s disappointing showing in the West Virginia Democratic primary–the president received less than 60 percent of the vote while a federal inmate in Texas won more than 40 percent–it seems the Obama reelection team may be realizing it has a problem in coal country. Below is an image of the Obama-Biden 2012 page on energy policy from a version of the site cached on May 3, five days before the West Virginia primary: http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/after-wv-primary-obama-site-adds-support-clean-coal_644369.html

Coal producing states and states using coal for its energy should not fall for this. Obama will return to his earlier position after the election.


Pauls, Cruz fire up tea party rally

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz (Photo credit: Gage Skidmore)

By Kolton Parker

                Updated 10:41 p.m., Sunday, May 6, 2012

AUSTIN – Presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Ron Paul joined forces with his son, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and U.S. Senate candidate Ted Cruz to address thousands of enthusiastic tea party supporters at the state Capitol on Sunday.

Read more: http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Pauls-Cruz-fire-up-tea-party-rally-3538664.php

Vote For Tea Party Endorsed Candidates

Planned Parenthood finally is beginning to lose its influence

Pro-life candlelight vigil outside a Planned P...

Pro-life candlelight vigil outside a Planned Parenthood location on Commonwealth Ave in Boston with Catholic devotions including the rosary and Stations of the Cross. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Appeals courts says Texas can bar funds for Planned Parenthood

By Elise Viebeck – 05/01/12 01:04 PM ET

A U.S. appeals court said Tuesday that Texas can bar Planned Parenthood from receiving funds under a state healthcare program because the organization performs abortions.

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/abortion/224797-in-reversal-appeals-courts-says-texas-can-bar-funds-for-planned-parenthood


Rediculous – This Angers Me as a Veteran

Children of Paralyzed Afghan Veteran Punished for Wearing Pro-Military T-Shirts to School


Please support our veterans. If you wish to express your opinion to the school administrate, see: James L Masters Elementary School   http://www.education.com/schoolfinder/us/texas/san-antonio/james-l-masters/


Rich Man vs. Working Stiff

I voted!

I voted! (Photo credit: bradlauster)

Throughout my life, working for a living, I always felt like the management did not understand me, care for me, or want me to succeed.

I wonder about our next president; would he understand the working stiff (people) or not. All could understand people of different classes, but what about the average voter. One candidate understands the board room while the other understands the workers. One understands how state politics are run and the other understands the way Washington works. Not all governors are alike. Not all states are among the list of major imports and exports. Not all these states have the same operating budget. Where does Massachusetts fit in these lists? Definitely not as high as California or Texas.

Obama and Romney believe in attack ads. The normal candidate can’t win. Do you want to vote for the person with these morals and ethics? I hope not.

Vote Conservative and Vote by Absentee Ballot.


May 2024


My name is Jack Pierce and I am interested in politics. I used to say that "if you are not helping to elect local politicians, then you deserve what you get". I am fed up with what we get and I want to make a difference. Join Me.


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